A natural Psychic Medium, Andrea Claire connects to Spirit and channels their messages of love & guidance. Not only does she connect with Loved Ones on the Other Side, but Andrea also provides Psychic readings concerning the client’s past, present, future, relationships, health, wealth, career, etc. Andrea Claire is compassionate and candid, and her readings provide comfort, inspiration, and clarity, as well as an opportunity to reconnect with Loved Ones who have passed away.
“These reunions are so touching and heartfelt. There are opportunities for closure and to relive lovely memories. It is comforting to discover that our deceased Loved Ones are still closely connected to us, sharing in the memories, and watching over us with love.” - Andrea Claire
Andrea Claire’s gifts include: clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairsentience (clear feeling), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairailience (clear sensing through smell), claircognizance (clear knowing), clairempathy (clear and direct experiencing of other’s emotions and symptoms).
Because her work requires making an energetic “connection” with clients (their name & voice), Andrea Claire gives clear and accurate readings by phone and by video conference. PHONE AND ZOOM READINGS ARE HIGHLY EFFECTIVE! Her client base spans across Canada, the United States, and parts of Europe. Her practice continues to flourish from client referrals, for which she is extremely grateful.
“Let’s face it. We all get “stuck” from time to time. A reading brings clarity, closure, hope, inspiration and direction, and guides you in moments of stress and indecision. All messages from Spirit come through with tremendous love and support.” - Andrea Claire
Psychic Mediumship